As a professor of natural philosophy, presenter of experimental conjuring, and exhibitor of legerdemain, Professor DR Schreiber evokes the spirit of early magical performances. His audiences experience illusion and mystery in the same way that 18th, 19th, and early 20th century aristocrats, nobles and elite would have seen it, in their home, mansion, or estate with a private demonstration.  Professor DR Schreiber brings parlor magic back into parlors.

Who is Professor DR Schreiber?

Professor DR Schreiber is Danny Schreiber, a Portland, OR-based magic historian, performer, and teacher of young magicians.  He has performed throughout the West Coast, the United Kingdom and Hungary.  He is the past President and a current board member with the Portland Assembly of Society of American Magicians, a member of the Portland Society of Magicians, the Conjuring Arts Research Center and the Academy of Magical Arts (Magic Castle), as well as a certified mentor for the Society of Young Magicians, Salem and Portland chapters.  Schreiber is also holds status of Full Professor at Camelard College of Conjuring Chemmis.

Schreiber uses his long career as a television producer and years of working as a cast member at Disneyland to enhance the all around entertainment experience for his audiences.